So for the past 2 days I've been making some logo intros for my future games. I'll probably end up using a different intro one for each game, but I complied them to show you guys.
Take a looksy and comment with your favorite (A or B or C!)
For those of you who are extra slow, you need to click the arrows at the bottom to scroll through the logos ;3
Anyway, the sound clip is from a badass song right here on NG! Score!
Lastly I'd like to apologize for not participating in Pico Day this year. It's by far my favorite NG holiday and it killed me inside when I woke up April 30th with nothing to submit. That being said, I did work on a game throughout the day with my good friend ShearArtAttack! It's sick nasty and maybe it can see the light of day next year. Also I have a super secret huge cool epic game collab in the works for next Pico Day. TheShadling has already contributed some sweet art. He's super cool and sweet so go check out his art. Although I'm sure most of you already have. ;D
Oh yeah and for some incredible reason it seems I missed the Tank Awards, will there be a video of that up some time? I know MasterAardvark and Bahamut won but I don't know the others. Congrats though guys!
I'll stop babbeling.