Kevin Bacon.

Will @14hourlunchbreak

Age 28, Male

Game Designer

Done with that

New York, New York

Joined on 7/27/07

Exp Points:
9,635 / 9,990
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.15 votes
Police Lieutenant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

14hourlunchbreak's News

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - November 19th, 2007

WOW! I haven't been on NG for like 3 weeks! Well.....there's so much to talk about. I got a Gameboy Advanced over the "break" and I upgraded to the new Macintosh Leopard!!!! Woot!!!! There's only one itsy bitsy problamo. My Mac won't start up from sleep mode. It kinda crashes. So every time I want to sleep my computer I have to......ugg........shut it DOWN! Which is really annoying sometimes!!!! This also prevents the use of newgrounds a little bit. So until I can sleep my computer I won't be able to go onto newgrounds as much as I would like to. Blah. Anywho I hope to come out with a new flash sometime after Turkey Day 07. But I don't have any IDEAS!!!!! ARG! *Slam head on computer screen*

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - November 2nd, 2007

Well if you are, let me fill you in. First off, have a looksy around! View a few of my flash entries, maybe some older posts. This page is my own realm of wonderment. If you haven't guessed, my nick-name is the Decisive Pumpkin. I WILL make personalized Banners/Images if you request. I reply to ALL PM's and Emails. You can Email me at: 14hourlunchbreak@gmail.com

You make me very happy if you comment on my blog. Nobody wants an unhappy Pumpkin.....might I add....OF DOOM!!!! Anyway....I guess I'll answer some frequently asked questions:

Q: Why is you username 14hourlunchbreak?

A: To make a long story short me and my friend made up this thing called 14 hour lunch-break with Paris Hilton. Thats not all. When I was creating my account I was having trouble with my username. It kept saying stuff like "This is to many characters" or "You can only have letters and numbers" so I just randomly put in 14hourlunchbreak and it worked!

Q:Why did you even sign-up for Newgrounds?

A: I wanted to make a difference on Newgrounds. I wanted to make awesome flashes and be popular. So far that isn't so.....but I'm working on it!

Q: What are you like in real life?

A: I'm funny, smart, outgoing, and charming. I can make friends easily.

Okay thats enough of that. So I guess I'll make up a contest for your enjoyment! Hmmmmm lets see. Let's see who can make the best variation of my Decisive Pumpkin logo! Whoever wins gets..um lets see......you will get a......ANYTHING YOU WANT (within limits)!!!!!

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 30th, 2007

Doesn't get much more Arty then this! ;) oh yeah! It's hard to see but thats me in the picture!

Arty Me!

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 25th, 2007

Anyone want to do a collab? Comment here or PM me if you want me to be in a collab!

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 24th, 2007

UP-COMING FLASH UPDATE!!!!! (For those of you who care :( ) Wow. Weird. I know how to make double chin smilies. Creepy! Anyway I just had an idea for a flash called the "Groovy Gang!" (based on the 70-80 era). Here is a little screen shot for those of you interested! More Updates In The Future! MUITF! Enjoy my crappily draw figures I made in 0.2 seconds!

New Flash! "The Groovey Gang!" (please leave a nice comments)

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 7th, 2007

Hi, It's me 14hourlunchbreak again with a contest (like there aren't enough contests already)! Design a fake or real pumpkin, PM or Email it to me. (me email address is 14hourlunchbreak@gmail.com) And I will decide which picture is the best and turn it into a Header, Sig, or Image for the creator to use! Happy Halloween!

Heres my crappy pumpkin:

14hourlunchbreak's Pumpkin Contest!

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 6th, 2007

NG T-Shirt Contest is sooooo cool.....even I made a t-shirt....it's Halloween based and I think it's pretty awesome......I mean I would were it...


Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - October 5th, 2007

I hate the Fab aura.......but It's breast cancer awareness month so I guess I'll have to live with it...

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - September 26th, 2007

I <3 Newgrounds! I just want to post something. Anything. I'm really excited. All of my flashes have been favorited, I've made 4 flashes (many more to come), someone has even favorited me!!! Yaysls! I would like to thank a few people....

Thank You To:
Everybody who comes to this page
Everybody who was/is nice and supportive when I first came onto newgrounds and when I was a noob ;)
Everybody who likes my flashes.


Anywho I am going to write a long and epic post today. Just because I feel like it...

The Story of a Flash Artist:

Being a flash creator and artist I know what it's like when you first get flash and find out what newgrounds is. You feel like a newbie and that everybody is better then you somehow. Never and I mean NEVER feel this way about yourself. You will downsize yourself untill you don't want to create flash. That BAD. Well if you don't downsize yourself you are ready for the open world of flash. The fun and exciting world where you get to feel good about yourself. It feels like you have made a difference in the world. It feels good. So your faced with two decision. The two must important decision in all of flash.

You can make your own original flash which requires you to work on it for soooooooo long but hopefully it turns out to be good. If you have a totally original flash thats amazing that flash will most likely be an "Epic Flash". Some "Epic Flashes" are "Madness" "Little Foot" "Clock Crew" and many others.

Or you can choose the second path. The second path is what I call the "Copyright Flashes". The flashes made in about 2 minutes and have only pictures off the internet or pre-made drawings. Some of these flashes aren't that bad. There is a form of flashing called Spriting which is doing the same thing but are usually better and are more creative.

I for one have chosen a path thats a little of both. Very few people take this "hidden" path (so to speak).
Once you have chosen you path you are ready to make your first ever flash. The only problem with this is that you will usually not have a clue on what to do. The LAST place you would want to look for help is the built-in flash helper. It is NOT helpfull. You SHOULD (if you have a newgrounds account) look for help on the newgrounds BBS. I have learned WAY to much there. Not saying thats a bad thing. Once you know what you doing you can truly start using flash the RIGHT way. So after a few minutes/days you may have finished you first flash. First you should check it. You should find all the bugs or glitches (if any) and fix them. Then you need to find out if your flash any good. Show it to your friends and family and get some input before submitting your flash to any website including newgrounds. Before submitting you should have the following:

1. An actual Flash
2. A 46 by 46 picture
3. Some input from over 10 people

Now it's time for the time you've been waiting for ever since you got Flash 8. It's time to submit you flash to a website that (if it's newgrounds) thats has millions of people just waiting for a flash to come to the portal so they can get some XP and believe me, it's a great feeling. But, thats right, there are those few people who lurk around the portal and BBS writing abusive reviews and rating flashes before they watch it. I call them "Lurkers". But hopefully you won't run into any of them. Okay so now you have to wait the long and hard processes called "Judgment". It will most likely take about 30 minutes. So hopefully your flash has been "Saved" so I can go on. So now you can check you "Reviews". Now you must realize that everybody has a different opinion so don't get mad if you have a bad review. You should however get mad if there is an "Abusive" review. Those are bad and you should report the person who posted that.

After submitting your first flash you should feel good for yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back or treat yourself to a piece of candy. Now don't go around thinking your now the king of flashtown just because you have a flash that passed judgment. you must remember that LOTS of other people have also made passing submissions. But don't let that take you down to funkeytown. Make some more flashes and do whatever you want. Your now a flash artist. Now you can go around and make flashes, reveiw other people's flashes, vote on flashes, get XP from flashes and do whatever you want. I hope you have learned a little about being a flash artist. I also congratulate you for reading one of the longest NG posts ever. YAY!

-Your Guru,

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - September 21st, 2007

Soooooo yeah. My Newgrounds Dress-Up 2 didn't go as expected. But thats O.K. because thats what newgrounds is all about, right? Well anyway I just wanted to post something. Sooooo Yeah. If anyone even comes here and leaves comments (WHICH I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE!!!) can you post some comments...PLEASE.....maybe you can give me some ideas on what to do next!

PS: Coming Soon List:
The Movie Guys
James, Rubert, and Holo-Jim

Some Adventure Game!
Some characters I haven't made yet!!!