Well if you are, let me fill you in. First off, have a looksy around! View a few of my flash entries, maybe some older posts. This page is my own realm of wonderment. If you haven't guessed, my nick-name is the Decisive Pumpkin. I WILL make personalized Banners/Images if you request. I reply to ALL PM's and Emails. You can Email me at: 14hourlunchbreak@gmail.com
You make me very happy if you comment on my blog. Nobody wants an unhappy Pumpkin.....might I add....OF DOOM!!!! Anyway....I guess I'll answer some frequently asked questions:
Q: Why is you username 14hourlunchbreak?
A: To make a long story short me and my friend made up this thing called 14 hour lunch-break with Paris Hilton. Thats not all. When I was creating my account I was having trouble with my username. It kept saying stuff like "This is to many characters" or "You can only have letters and numbers" so I just randomly put in 14hourlunchbreak and it worked!
Q:Why did you even sign-up for Newgrounds?
A: I wanted to make a difference on Newgrounds. I wanted to make awesome flashes and be popular. So far that isn't so.....but I'm working on it!
Q: What are you like in real life?
A: I'm funny, smart, outgoing, and charming. I can make friends easily.
Okay thats enough of that. So I guess I'll make up a contest for your enjoyment! Hmmmmm lets see. Let's see who can make the best variation of my Decisive Pumpkin logo! Whoever wins gets..um lets see......you will get a......ANYTHING YOU WANT (within limits)!!!!!
Anything I want? Hmmmmm..........