WOW! I haven't been on NG for like 3 weeks! Well.....there's so much to talk about. I got a Gameboy Advanced over the "break" and I upgraded to the new Macintosh Leopard!!!! Woot!!!! There's only one itsy bitsy problamo. My Mac won't start up from sleep mode. It kinda crashes. So every time I want to sleep my computer I have to......ugg........shut it DOWN! Which is really annoying sometimes!!!! This also prevents the use of newgrounds a little bit. So until I can sleep my computer I won't be able to go onto newgrounds as much as I would like to. Blah. Anywho I hope to come out with a new flash sometime after Turkey Day 07. But I don't have any IDEAS!!!!! ARG! *Slam head on computer screen*
You sound incredibly hyper.