Kevin Bacon.

Will @14hourlunchbreak

Age 28, Male

Game Designer

Done with that

New York, New York

Joined on 7/27/07

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Pico Day Wrap Up + New Stuff!

Posted by 14hourlunchbreak - May 3rd, 2015

It's been a week since Pico Day and my last front page post, so here's another! Sorry in advance if it's pretty big and sappy. Whatever.

Highlights from Pico Day in chronological order maybe I dont know whatever who cares not me:

@Emrox and I have the exact same birthday. Hung out on the stream with @Whirlguy and @Yurgenburgen. Finally met @TomFulp and talked for a little bit! Also got to see his new game! Talked to @EJR for a bit. Got a smooch from @Luis. Got a hug from @Sabtastic. Signed the Picollage. @Tyler drunkenly broke my game <3 and introduced me to Noel, who isn't on NG but is super cool and is making a super cool game. Played a round or two of Smash. Drew on the gigantic cock filled chalkboard. Flailed around in StreetFighter with @Saminat. Then had to hop on the train back to NY! Submitted my game at 3 AM the next morning!

I absolutely know I'm forgetting some people because I don't know their username, but if we met and talked you can comment and berate me. <3

Things I'll do differently next time:

BRING A SKETCHBOOK. There are so many cool people there just hanging out drawing in whatever they find. You can just leave a sketchbook and by the end of the day it'll be filled with awesome shit.

TAKE PICTURES. I don't really know what I was thinking, but I've got like 0 proof I was even there. No pictures or momentos or anything, just got swept up in the moment I guess. Also, I seriously need a Newgrounds tank shirt. My biggest regret.

TALK TO EVERYONE. Or at least say hello. A lot of people there, including me, were a little bit shy. There's no need to be! Most everyone is super chill and interested in the same stuff you are. It also helps if you know people there already or go in a group, I was sorta going in blind.


Pico Day was super inspiring and motivating. I'd taken a break from Flash for what feels like forever, but now I'm totally reenergized. The first email for Pico Day sorta set off that spark again. Meeting all these super talented people was super motivating to work my ass off on the things I love and be passionate about what I do.


On a semi-related note, I've been listening to a bunch of Sleepycast, and although I was too shy to go up to any of them at Pico Day, they've sorta inspired me to try my hand at animation. It's something I've always wanted to do but never had the confidence to try. This summer I'll make a few little shorts and put em up on Newgrounds and see how it goes. Put on some David Rose and get ready for a good time.



Too bad I didn't bump into you, I came kinda late. Your game was really marvelous. You live in NYC too? I guess we will have to hang sometime up here.

I know, I was bummed we didn't get a chance to meet! But yes, NG is overdue for a New York meetup.

Was so awesome to meet you dude! Glad to see you enjoyed Pico Day!

It was super cool to meet you too! The collab turned out great, I'll definitely need to buy a poster. :)

I don't like to call it drunk; I like to call it being not sober at all. Nice meeting you!

that's a much better way of putting it. nice meeting you too!

Kicked my butt something fierce!

That lightning is so overpowered.

Groovy! :3


Cool meeting you! I did take a bunch of photos, just gotta wait for my film to be back from developing. Its kind of weird that Pico Day in particular is one of those events where there arent all that many photos. Happens every year. I guess its all just so overwhelming and youre so busy that one forgets.

I usually pop up in NYC fairly regularly, I usually tell deathink anytime ill be in town.

That's pretty cool! I've got my own 35mm that I didn't think to bring for some reason. If you're ever looking for Newgrounders in the East Village, I'll be around. ;)

Thanks for coming! The lack of photos from Pico Day is evidence of how much fun everyone was having - instead of trying to show other people they were having a fun time, they were actually busy having a fun time. Except Luis, who took photos.

Reminds me of this comic:

Thanks for inviting me! It was a blast. If there's ever another, I'll definitely come down again.

You should've stopped by Friday, crashed the night, then woke and partied! Glad you were a part of it, it was a very positive experience for me as well!

I know, Friday night sounded like fun! I remember seeing your icon pinned to you suit, but I never got a chance to introduce myself. Maybe next year. Glad you had a good time too. :)

Yeah man, you coulda made 5 bucks off me, I was giving out fiskies to all the folks who regularly submit content here. No burger monyes 4 jOO

Aww fuck, you didn't see deathink? How about Shad or Stamper?

oh nooooo! dang! also yeah! i missed all those fools! except shad was the one with the mask, right? I saw him around.

Stamper came late Saturday, hung around outside for the most part. A masked Shad was on the roof, then came downstairs to sit in front of the Twitch feed, very nice guy indeed, I gave him a 20 spot, because I couldn't find any prints I fancied the past 2 months...