This week is spring break! Here's a mid-week update on general happenings.
My Pico Day game is coming along nicely. One month left! So far I've been trying to one-man-army it, but it's a lot easier to burn out when you're the only person working on something. Figuring out specific puzzles and making them fun and interesting has been particularly challenging. A few days ago I played through Grim Fandango and read some articles for some inspiration. One of the best parts of adventure games is how wacky and outlandish the solutions to the puzzles can be, but it won't be fun unless the player has enough information to find the same solution. There were a few moments in Grim Fandango where I cracked and looked at a walkthrough, and was frustrated at how they expected me to know that. It's all about signposting.
Also the photoshop file I was making all the different backgrounds in was corrupted, so that sorta put a damper on my progress. However nothing will fully stop the train of progress, so instead of dwelling on lost psd files, here's a nifty little animation! Why is he climbing into a vent? Who knows! Not me! Find out in one month!
For the past few days I've taken a short break from my Pico Day game to fiddle around with some HTML and CSS. I made a little website called Happy Mountain Club that is basically just a mash of different tumblr themes and my own original code. I kinda like the name, but I don't really know what I'll use it for. A webcomic? Portfolio? Game studio? Personal blog? I have no idea.
Anyway, that's all for now. Back to spring breaking!
I love the look of this game, and that pixel animation looks fantastic. I can't wait to play it!
Thanks man!