A lot of little things that need to be said. I'll try to make it short.
First off I played Transformice for the first time yesterday. It's kinda cool I guess. Sirpwnington gets really angry at me but I don't know why.
Also, I made a game with EJR for Clock Day in about 1 or 2 days. EJR's a cool guy and it turned out alright.
I'm still working on my cool top secret game that'll be out when it's done. Whenever that is.
And last but not least I'm working on a game that'll be out by Halloween that's been on the queue of things to get done for a while now. Shadman is doing the background arts.
Finally, if any of you cool kids have a PS3 and a PSN account, add me. FourTenHrLnchBrk. Or don't. I don't care. Also, comment below if you do so you're not a stranger.
cool :D