I weigh about 1 ton, I have huge lips (bigger than n****r lip) I have to real big front teeth, and real stubby arms and legs. oh can't forget my jew nose either, and i have a rather bad case of achne that makes my skin look some what purple
Kevin Bacon.
Age 28, Male
Game Designer
Done with that
New York, New York
Joined on 7/27/07
I weigh about 1 ton, I have huge lips (bigger than n****r lip) I have to real big front teeth, and real stubby arms and legs. oh can't forget my jew nose either, and i have a rather bad case of achne that makes my skin look some what purple
DONE lol
You forgot my sideburns and soul patch.
the soul patch is the big black spot below your mouth. and yes we did forget the sideburns. :3
No thanks.
6"1', husky, square glasses, medium length straight hair, a small goatee. Tie-dye shirt and acid-wash jeans.
I'm 5"11", have blue eyes, and shark fins.
I pm'ed you!
it is being worked on as we speek :O
I'm fat, and I have no arms or legs. My whole body is covered with shaggy hair, with the exception of my enormous ears, which bear a striking resemblance to fish.
i love your picture of me. I'm making it my background
awesome :D
I have curly black hair a big nose yellowish teeth and big ears. I am also 5'5"
<a href="http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1816/60879123399493917115081.jpg">http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/18 16/60879123399493917115081.jpg</a>
<a href="http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t30/Quork33/?action=view¤t=0102101436.jpg">http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t3 0/Quork33/?action=view¤t=01 02101436.jpg</a>
thanks please
I would if I had a picture to give you. Sorry -_-
I am tall (6' 4"), very thin (145 lbs.), medium-short brown hair, crooked glasses, and sideburns that are too massive for the average human to maintain. Jeans and a short-sleeved collared shirt.
<a href="http://oi56.tinypic.com/5eh408.jpg">http://oi56.tinypic.com/5eh408.jpg</a>
No I'm just kidding, my ego isn't that big, it's very possible.
I send a picture of myself. RASTAFARAI ! :)
I am 65, I was raised in the 60's, I played guitar and I played at Woodstock as the closing act, I have an afro and and awesome blue Victorian tux. Who am I?
Jimi Hendrix ;D
OH and draw this boy so I can finally die.
<a href="https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=c2288ee865&view=att&th=12b9d021db7c7840&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1349338363778570383-1&zw">https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&am p;ik=c2288ee865&view=att&th=1 2b9d021db7c7840&attid=0.1&dis p=inline&realattid=13493383637785 70383-1&zw</a>
man I never got me
I'm 5"4",scrawny a little bit,I have an afro,a mustache,a soul patch,and sideburns.I'm into heavy metal,I have a guitar,and I don't wear shoes.